Тест на ассертивность

by Purple games



Often other people try to attract usto cases or to the execution of decisions that wenot to our liking and to participate in which we do not agree. Often we find ourselves in situations where we ourselves want to achieve something that is considered good.If events take an undesirable turn, then whether due to the nature of character or under the influence of mood, we either withdraw into ourselves, or rush into battle with excessive obstinacy. Respectively,or retreat, surrendering one position after another, orwe make enemies for ourselves rather than achievesatisfaction of their needs or desires.To negotiate and come to an agreement with others, and not only for the benefit of ourselves, but, as a rule, for the benefit of our opponents - this is a method of behavior calledassertive, assumes that the person knowswhat he wants and does not want (at leastin this particular situation) and can it be clearformulate - without fear, uncertainty, tension, irony, sarcasm or any other form of attack on the opposite side.An assertive person does not actto the detriment of anyone, respecting the rights of others, butat the same time it does not allow twisting ropes out of itself. He achieves the desired goal without harming others. He achieves his goal without manipulating opponents through feelings of guilt or in any other way from the category of methods of emotional blackmail. He knows how to persuade others to provide him with help or courtesy. He does not withdraw into himself, receiving a refusal in what he, in fact, had no right to count on. In the event of a clash of interests, he is able to negotiate and find a compromise solution that satisfies both parties.